The Society was formed in December 1983
Founder Members were, Mr & Mrs R Harrison, Mr & Mrs H Cawood, Mr & Mrs H Elliott and Mr & Mrs T Burtoft.
The forming of the society was inspired by the weather!
On a monthly visit to Sheffield Society in November 1983 the snow was so bad it took hours for them to get home.
It was then, decided to try to form a society in Barnsley.
They asked for help from the then secretary of the B.F.S. Mr Ron Ewart, the Barnsley Fuchsia & Geranium Society was formed.
The committee meetings continued to be held at the homes of above named in rotation.
Ron Harrison and Tom Burtoft decided to speak to the landlord of the Edmunds Arms, to see if they could hold the society monthly meetings there, to which he agreed.
Later they started to hold committee meetings there also.
Ron and Tom walked round a few estates in the Barnsley area to see who was growing Fuchsias.
They then informed the occupier or dropped leaflets through letter boxes of their intentions,
It was a successful venture and along came the society's first members in January 1984.
Ron Harrison gave the first talk.
The society's first annual show was held at Clay-Cliffe Garden Centre in 1984.
Unfortunatly due to unforseen curcumstances the Society had to relocate to the Boatman's Rest in July 2011.
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